About Us! - CccOnlineTyari
To promote computer education, we have started an Online Educational Organization (CCCOnlineTyari.com) through which the education of CCC computer course can be made accessible to the students residing everywhere in India.
We shared CCC online study material in Hindi and English language.
We have a Small Team:
- Mr Virender, SEO Expert since 2015.
- Mr Pardeep, Graphic Designer since 2018.
- Mr Narender, Content Creator since 2014.
- Ms Sushmita, Teacher since 2012.
- Mrs Sonu, Teacher since 2010.
- Mrs Kajal, Youtube Educator.
CCCOnlineTyari.com is not the official website of nielit or CCC. We only give correct information to CCC students which is also contained on the official website of CCC (student.nielit.gov.in). CccOnlineTyari.com does not collect any personal information from you. You also do not share your personal information in the comment box of CccOnlineTyari.com.
आपका कोई सवाल हो तो आप बिना किसी हिचकिचाहट के हमसे पूछ सकते हैं।
Our official email for contact: CCCOnlineTyari@gmail.com (You can also contact us through our social media, links given in the menu bar.)
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CCC Online Tyari
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CCC Online Tyari